My right foot has still been bothering me but I have been icing it every night for about 1/2 hour. It was feeling better today but not great so I decided to go on a run. On Sunday I went on a run and my foot did not hurt while running so I was hoping for the same. Sure enough, not a single bit of pain while running. Why does this happen? I have no idea.
I decided to run 5 1/2 miles at an easy pace. I ended up running it at 8:13 pace and it felt good. At about mile 3, it started raining, and it wasn't long before it was pouring. I love running in the rain as long as I can get dried soon after I stop. It was warm so I did not freeze out there. It was shirt stick completely to the body wet.
It has now been 4 1/5 hours since I ran and my foot is no worse that it was during the day so lets hope this little problem is going away.
In some other news, we are going to roll out the Kid's Marathon program on Friday to all the schools interested. I was able to secure a good sponsor so we are able to keep the cost down to only $10 per kid. They will receive a tshirt, medal, and book. There will also be other giveaways and even a new pair of running shoes to raffle off. I really hope a lot of kids join as this will keep them active while keeping them reading over the summer. I'll keep you all informed as to what the response is. I pray for a lot. My friend Mike also created the logo we will use. What do you think?

I like it!!You sure have been running fast!
Love how the logo turned out!
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