Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back Up and Running

I finally went on a run today. I waited until just pat 8 PM and went for a 5 1/2 mile run. It felt OK but my left quad was still tight. I tried to stretch it good afterwards but it is still a bit sore. I usually don't feel this sore this far after a race so I think I may have pulled it a little. The good thing about the run tonight was that I felt very motivated. I almost wanted to run a 20 miler or do a hard track workout. I hope I can keep this feeling all summer as I train for the next marathon. Right now my goal is to run a 3:45 again like I did 1 1/2 years ago. I already have my "easy pace" runs faster than last summer.

I plan on running a nice long run this weekend with Paul. We are planning on going 15 so I hope I can keep a good pace up. I have no races planned for quite awhile. I most likely will still do some but I don't plan tapering for any of them. And some of them I plan on running a long run prior to the race and then seeing what I can do after that. I have done this before and I feel it is a good training technique. You do a nice long run of 12 to 15 miles and then enter a 5K or 10K and use the race to pick up the pace. The hard part is trying to time it right so you end your long "warm up" close enough to the start of the race so you don't have to sit around and cool off too much. Chaz and I did this once last year when we ran 15 miles before a 10K. I was a little slow this day and as I turned the corner 2 blocks from the start line, the gun went off and everyone was running right towards me. I kept running to the start line, turned around and then proceeded with the race. Anyways, just a technique I use sometimes.

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