Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sports massage . . . maybe

No running today :( I had a chiropractor appointment this afternoon. Dr. Mark said things were looking good with my back and it feels so much better than when it tightens up. He asked me if I have ever had a sports massage before. I told him no and he wondered why. My reasons are odd I think. I would love to have a massage and I think it would do me some good, but I am afraid. I am afraid that I will get hooked on them and always want one and that is one luxury I cannot afford right now. He told me that for Christmas that he would let me have one for free from the massage therapist lady in his office. (Maybe it is weird, but I think I would prefer it from a lady and not a guy). So I guess I will be having my first massage in the near future. He says I should have it about 2 to 3 weeks before my marathon and that is January 17th so looks like near the start of the New Year. Sounds like a good time since the Holidays will be over and the stress from work will continue to grow.

There is stress at work. I am apart of the group that is in charge of converting us from our old business software to our new ERP software. We are moving to Oracle and I am in charge of our production scheduling and forecasting. It is at this time I try to make sure I get my runs in. Running is such a good stress release and lets me rest at home more.

I also briefly spoke awhile ago of the crazy challenge Paul asked me to do with him in Texas. I have almost decided yes or no and should be sure of that decision in a day or so. Once I have decided, I will let you in on the Extra Goofy Crazy Challenge Paul has in store for us.

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