Monday, March 5, 2012

I Got A Run In ... Sort Of

It has been an entire 6 weeks since my last run as I am resting my IT Band that caused me issues in the Disney World Marathon. So after church on Sunday, I lace them up and go out in the beautiful 30 degree weather and plan on running 4 miles.

I knew that since I hadn't run in 6 weeks that I must have lost something in the fitness area and I knew that I most likely added a few pounds to my frame since I hadn't added any exercised too. I knew that I might struggle some so I decided to run as easy as my body told me to go. I did put on the Garmin the track the mileage but didn't plan on looking at it until I finished.

Mile 1 feels good and easy. Mile 2 has a nice hill in it but I feel good and easy. At about 2 3/4 miles, I feel something in my right knee right where I had the issue 6 weeks ago but I chalk it up to my brain playing tricks on me. I only wish that were the case because by mile 3 the pain was back and I had to stop by 3 1/4 miles and actually walk in the final 3/4 of a mile.


Seems 6 weeks rest did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help the issue. I am now concerned that this may be more serious that I thought. I have a doctors appointment with a therapist to have it checked out again and have something determined to see what the h--- is the problem.

So I am STILL off running after a 3 mile return.

Keep on Running!!! ( I still plan on returning soon!)


Mark said...

Man oh man I hate to hear this!!! I am pulling for you my friend

Beth said...

I'm just now catching up. I'm hoping that this matter gets resolved by the time I am done reading!