Friday, November 26, 2010

4 Days Off

I almost took the entire week off of running. Almost. I did go out today for an easy 5.8 miles on a crushed gravel bike trail and around a small lake. I had no ill effects from the Monkey 5 days ago so that is good. I was able to cruise at 8:37 pace today.

Also, it was slightly colder than Nashville 5 days ago. Nashville on Sunday was low 70's, Milwaukee today didn't quite reach 30 and it was windy. That means it is wind chill season. I am not sure how cold it felt, but it was down there. I don't mind this temperature, at times it is quite refreshing. My knees hurt a little more after the run, but that goes away after the warm up.

The Monkey was the last planned marathon of the year. I don't think I will find another to run this year but I do have a few already planned for 2011, January 2011 in fact. January 23 is the Icebreaker Indoor Marathon in Milwaukee. But Mike and Paul are trying to convince me to do something crazy on the second weekend of January. If you don't know me, I am all about crazy. I'll let you in on it when (or if) I do it.

I hope you all survived your Turkey Trots and Thanksgiving Dinners.

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