Saturday, July 17, 2010


I am struggling. My confidence is dwindling. My energy level is extremely low. Does this mean I am giving up? NO WAY! I am just having a hard time this month. It is hot and I have been running a lot of miles so far so it is to be expected that I feel this way. I keep telling myself that in the fall, when the temperatures drop and I drop the miles, I will feel awesome and full of energy and ready to bust out a great marathon. In the mean time, I will continue to do my best and continue to keep up the miles in the heat in hopes it will provide me with the base and training I need to run that awesome marathon.

This morning I was planning on running 20 miles but I ended up only getting in 17 and that was enough. It was 75F at 6:20 in the morning when I started and about 85F when I finished. I didn't plan the run too well which helped with the poor run. I had enough water but I didn't bring any Gu or AccelGel so nothing to eat along the way and only my usual 2 packs of Oatmeal before hand.

About 3 miles into my run, I ran into Greg on the trail near the lake. I knew he would be running in the area but we didn't know if our timing would mix, I guess it did. I decided to turn around and run the final 6 miles he needed to do with him. He was doing 10 miles training for a half marathon in August or September, he hasn't chosen one yet.

After we reached his house, I kept going the 8 miles back to where I parked. The final 4 miles where trouble but I knew I was going to finish and didn't slow too much.

I took the girls out for a bike ride in the afternoon and for ice cream and then after a short nap, we all went to church for Saturday evening service. I plan on sleeping in tomorrow, it has been awhile since I could do that and I need the rest, so I am going to take it.

I hope all of your training is going well. I know it is hot all over and it is definitely difficult to run in the heat and humidity, but keep it up.

July Quest for 200 Miles Update: 116.3 miles complete, 83.7 miles to go

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